Our parliament changed its way as in a local market. The voice arising up there is not from clean chit members dat's for sure. 'But' is the word i would like to use here, But we can't relieve the persons behind this large scam which cud even buy our nation or a part of it. 176000 CRORE RS... The UPA led government is said to be for AAM AADMI or Common people, but is this the way they are with poor indian people. How long they will be allowed to make us all fools??
If A. Raja is the minister who lead this corruption programme, there may be a lot of other people, big pressures coming over him when he was the minister. That's why our PM Manmohan Singh even didn't uttered a word against him or the scam. Our honorable Court even asked why is he in Silence. But can't speak up. So what is the matter that's keeping him away to say something. Is is JPC or any other committee, the TRUTH must put forward.
Its our country's money or in a word our money, these people are putting it in their pockets. That can't allowed so long, we must act against this. The Youth of this country must raise voice against this, otherwise it will end up in such a way that all these political workers become Crorepathies with our money. They must not be allowed to become huge with the money that could keep away the hunger of millons of people in our Country.
Act or Act nO Other way to get out..